Self- Care and Wellness for Women

Focus on You. While you might focus a lot on your physical health, working hard to
lose weight and avoid certain medical conditions you are prone to, you should also
focus on your mental health. This is when you think more about general wellness
and practice self-care.

Self-care is the steady act of taking care of yourself so that you can show up in the world as the woman that you were meant to be. It is the sum of daily rituals and habits that allow you to fuel your body and fill your cup. This can benefit nearly every facet of your life. Here are some easy ways to practice self-care and wellness as a busy woman. 

Exercise Daily

The first thing you can do in order to pay more attention to yourself is to get active. This isn't just for fitness or weight loss, but because it can help your mental wellbeing as well. Mental toughness, self-discipline and stress management are 100x easier when you start your day with movement.

Morning exercise creates  a mental and physical energy for up to 12 hours post workout. Being active is great for boosting energy and getting  in a better mood thanks to he endorphins that are released. It's all about the happy hormones. Exercising can also be wonderful for relieving stress, with just a few minutes of  walking each day. Simply walking for 2-3 minutes is on average about 250 steps.

Try to find ways to get your body moving every day, whether you take a walk during your break at work, you go to the gym in the morning, or you try hiking during the weekend. 

Find More Alone Time

You can't be everything to everyone else if you are nothing to yourself. As a woman, your days are probably over-filled already with things to be done, but make sure you find some time for yourself. This might be just 5-10 minutes a day, so make it count.

Depending on your schedule, you can choose what time of day is best. This might be a 20-minute bath in the evenings after you have put the kids to bed, or a few minutes in the morning with your cup of coffee or tea before the everybody in the house wakes up. 

 Write in a Journal

 Journaling is highly recommended  for anyone, but as a woman, it is even more useful for you. You might have a full schedule, a high amount of stress, or simply need to vent your frustrations without upsetting anyone else. Journaling when you feel compelled to verbally cut someone to shreds or rant on the internet is a sign of growth.

Journals can be therapeutic and cathartic, allowing you to narrow down what is wrong, help with physical health, and improve mental health and clarity. It can be as simple as going to the note section of your phone and typing out what's going on in your head. As a bonus, sometimes when you are in a calmer state go back and read the entry you may find yourself laughing. There really is an endless amount of reasons to write in a journal, and today is a great day to start. 

Stop Feeling Guilty

As a woman, you might find that you feel guilty a lot of the time. Let's think about it, you have decided to reserve your time and energy for people who bring love, peace, joy and laughter and your frustrated that your calendar or day doesn't look like you planned. You're not alone.

Guilty feelings tend to be more prevalent in women, especially if you feel like you are lacking in an area of your life. This might be guilt over having to work while your kids are with a relative or babysitter, guilty you don't have enough time for your man, or feeling like you haven't been spending enough time with girlfriends. Let's not even begin to talk about the last time you talked to your close family member. It is time to let go of that guilt and be realistic about how much time and energy you have. 

You get to define what self-care is for you starting today. Which ritual above speaks to you the most? Let me now below.  


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